Nanne Nauta

      latest update 8th January, 2004 (click for Dutch version)

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One grey day in Spring, 22nd April 1959, Nanne Nauta did his initials proud by unobtrusively popping out from under the parental sheets in Gorinchem. His educational career was full of surprises: he was so subdued at school, his parents thought he wouldn't get far past his GCSEs, but then the headmaster informed them he would do well at his A-levels. And while he wanted to be a careerist cleaner, a good chat from father to son convinced him to go off and study French in Utrecht. He chose all the relevant careerist subjects such as Modern French Poetry, poetics and aesthetics.

However, these studies did result in a society, SAd'E,, which is akin with French OULIPO.

After his studies, all the society members went their separate ways. For Nanne this meant a toilsome quest involving Queneau, cyphers and sonnets. A first travel account, published in a vanity edition, is its result; a result which would have gone unnoticed – not a publisher in sight who wanted to travel along – if it wasn't for the illustrious sir K. in Portugal.

In his spare time Nanne manages a host of obscurantist activities concerning ICT with an insurance company.

Please browse for more information about Nanne Nauta.


SAd'E, Servicio de Libros, 1995
ISBN 90-71196-38-0
Contains poems in both French and Dutch by all SAd'E members. Copies are still obtainable through the webmaster at

Het Eerste Huis, Sonnetten uit Utrecht, (The First House, Sonnets from Utrecht; vanity press), Utrecht, 1999. ISBN 90-9013354-2
Details: see contact info.

In the anthology:

Some of his work is also included in sir K's January 2004 anthology of Dutch poetry De Nederlandse poëzie van de 19e, 20e en 21e eeuw in 2000 en enige gedichten. Bert Bakker, Amsterdam.

Nanne Nauta: of

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

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