latest update 13th February, 2004 (click for Dutch version)
In 1979 Komrij published his anthology De Nederlandse poëzie van de negentiende en twintigste eeuw in duizend en enige gedichten (Dutch poetry of the nineteenth and twentieth century in a thousand-and-some poems), which has been reprinted and revised regularly (the new edition, titled Dutch poetry of the 19th, 20th and 21st century and two thousand-and-some poems, is set to appear in January 2004) and is regarded as the standard anthologised overview of contemporary Dutch poetry. "The book provoked rare in the Dutch arena a discussion about literary tradition", Leiden professor in modern literature Ton Anbeek said. "Komrij displayed a predilection for playful, ironic verses. He had little appreciation for the successors of the Fifties generation, yet was able to present countless interesting poems from the nineteenth century that the experts had overlooked. This suddenly turned that 'proper and boring' age into a mistakenly neglected period."
In 1999 he then also published the anthology De
Afrikaanse poëzie in 1000 en enige gedichten
(African poetry in a thousand-and-some poems),
a selection from 350 years of (South) African poetry.
In collaboration with 'Uitgeverij 521' Komrij edits the Sandwich series, in which he manifests himself as the discoverer of new talent and forgotten or neglected poets. From November 2002 the series started a run of twenty different numbered and bound volumes. This Sandwich series is aimed at lovers of poetry who wish to be surprised by Komrij's choice and so acquaint themselves with poets they wouldn't have heard of otherwise. Work that for many is unattainable (the so-called forgotten poets) are now made available to a larger audience. Alongside this work, poets making their debut in the Sandwich series can now show a wide audience what talent there is in the Dutch-speaking world.
Komrij availed himself of the pseudonyms Gerrit Andriesse, Joris Paridon, Mr. Pennewip and Griet Rijmrok.
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On 8th February 2000 Gerrit Komrij received an honorary
doctorate from the university
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