Frederik Lucien De Laere 

      latest update 6th January, 2004 (click for Dutch version)

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Frederik Lucien De Laere (Brugge, 19th August 1971) describes his poetry as a punch to the stomach or as a duodenal bomb. With overtones of assault he composes poems on all sorts of topics, from household appliances up to The Last Judgment. An early and important inspiration was Paul Snoek's volume Gedrichten (Proems).

Belgian poet De Laere is also sometimes called 'the poet of the everyday'. His work has been published in literary magazines 'Deus ex Machina', 'De Brakke Hond', 'Kruispunt' and 'Poëziekrant', and in literary e-zines 'De Opkamer' (now defunct) and 'Meander'. He won prizes at the poetry competition for youngsters in Damme (1997) and Soetendaelle (1997). In 1999 two of his poems were included in an official poetry calendar.

When De Laere performs his works he hopes to freak his audiences out. At one time he had members of Het Venijnig Gebroed (The Venomous Rabble), his literary collective, reading his work at a pre-homage, where he himself was placed on a bier and pretended to have been dead for 100 hours. Since then he has regularly taken on new appearances on stage.

The other members of his collective are Het Venijnig Gebroed are albrecht b doemlicht, Denis S.M. Vercruysse and Jan Wijffels.

His poems have been included in the anthology Vanuit de lucht (Out of the Air; Passage, 2001).

He made his debut on 19th September 2003 with the volume Paniek in het circus (Panic in the circus; Ghent: Poëziecentrum).

Please browse for more information on Frederik Lucien De Laere.

Frederik Lucien De Laere:

Vrijdagmarkt 36
9000 Gent
Tel. +32-(0)9-225.22.25
Fax +32-(0)9-225.90.54

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

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