latest update 23rd December,
(click for Dutch version)
Hans Kilian was born to the world on that unexpectedly
nice 20th October 1958 in Zeist. He studied anthropology
in Utrecht and Dutch teacher training in Rotterdam. He
is a poet, prose writer, critic and publisher. In 2000
he made his debut as a novelist with Heksenwerk
(Devil of A Job) with Servo in Assen, where earlier
his much praised book of short stories Lach & Sterf
(Laugh & Die) had appeared. After his poetry
volume Woorden als brood (Words like bread;
Zuid&Noord, Beringen) Triakel was published in 2001,
an extensive collection of verse, as part 36 of the well-designed
series 'Muzensprokkels' (Muse Pickings) with Het Prieeltje
Publ. in Diest (Belgium). He has recently added nr. 39
to that series with the volume Zelfs de duisternis
ziet men niet met dichte ogen (We don't even see
the darkness with our eyes closed).
Kilian lives and works in Gorinchem.
Please browse for more information about Hans Kilian. CONTACT UITGEVERIJEN Uitgeverij Het
Prieeltje v.z.w. This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online |