Ruben van Gogh

      latest update18th May, 2006 (click for Dutch version)

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Ruben van Gogh, aka Language Man (Man van Taal), is a poet and general lover of all things artistic. He has worked as a stand-up comedian and poetry critic for the Algemeen Dagblad newspaper. He is co-editor of the anthology Het Hogere Noorden (The Higher North; Passage, 1997) and editor of the anthology Sprong naar de sterren (Jump for The Stars; Kwadraat, 1999), an update of the 1959 anthology De muze en het heelal (The Muse and The Universe), edited by Guus Sötemann. Yet Van Gogh (no relation of you know who) does more than write poetry and edit anthologies: on 4th September 2000 he published a volume of poetry by French poet Jacques Prévert in translation, entitled We hebben elkaar lief (We Love One Another; Bert Bakker, Amsterdam).

In 2001 Aan het eind van het begin (At The End of The Beginning; Prometheus) appeared, the collected reprint of his first two volumes.

In September 2002 his volume Zoekmachines (Browsers) appeared.

By the way, Ruben van Gogh was born on 22 February 1967 in Dokkum. He grew up in Zuidlaren and unfinished his social geography course at the University of Groningen. He moved to Utrecht early in 1999.

Together with Groningen author Ronald Ohlsen he presented a literary and musical programme in the summer of 2000, with which they were quite successful at the Noorderzon festival in Groningen.

In 2002 Van Gogh he held a number of readings for the Dutch community in Singapore.

In 2003 he was the only Dutch poet reading at the Taipei International Poetry Festival in Taiwan and the Stockholm Poesifestival in Sweden.

Please browse and for more information about Ruben Van Gogh.


Ruben van Gogh:


Keizersgracht 205
1016 DS Amsterdam
Postbus 13
1000 AA Amsterdam
tel: +31-(0)20-535.25.35

Dutch Literary Productions and Translations Foundation
Mr Bas Pauw:
Singel 464
1017 AW  Amsterdam
tel.: +31 (0)20.620.62.61
fax: +31 (0)20.620.71.79



Poetry volumes
Wondere Wereld, vanity pressr, Groningen, 1992
Het omgelegde Eelderdiep, gedichten
, Triade [= Dirk Dijkstra, Ruben van Gogh en Jos Tolboom], Passage, Groningen, 1992
De Man van Taal
, Prometheus, Amsterdam, 1996
De hemel in, de hemel uit, Prometheus, Amsterdam, 1999
Aan het eind van het begin, Prometheus, Amsterdam, 2001 (reprint of De Man van Taal and De hemel in, de hemel uit)
Zoekmachines, Prometheus, Amsterdam, 2002

Jacques Prévert: We hebben elkaar lief (selection), Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, 2000

Het Hogere Noorden, , ed. by Bart FM Droog, Ruben van Gogh and Karel ten Haaf, Passage, Groningen, 1997
Sprong naar de sterren, ed. by Ruben van Gogh, Kwadraat, Utrecht, 1999

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