Karel ten Haaf, born in Bloemendaal on 9th January 1962,
went to Groningen to study Dutch and has stayed up North
ever since. One of his fellow students at the time was
Rottend Staal correspondent Ilse
He is a poet, prose writer, research journalist, radio-host
and together with Stefan Nieuwenhuis formed the happy
couple 'Die Toffe Gasten' (Those Cool Dudes). He also
made the weekly literary radio programme 'Etters met Letters'
(Turds with Words) for OOG-Radio. Ten Haaf has performed
at, amongst others, the Oerol Festival, Lowlands 1995
and in Mongolia after which he published the novel
Steppen zonder autoped (Scoot Without a Scooter;
Passage, 1999).
The cover of his volume Verkeerde benen (Wrong
Legs) published in 2003, probably is the most absurd
to date:
Together with Ruben van Gogh
and Bart FM Droog he edited
the anthology Het Hogere Noorden poëzie
uit Groningen (The Higher North poetry from
Groningen; Passage, 1997). His poems have appeared
in, e.g. 'Het Groninger Dagblad', 'De Emmer Courant',
'Pennestreken', 'De Rottend Staal Nieuwsbrief', the 'Vera
Krant' and in the newspaper 'Dagblad van het Noorden'.
Please browse
for more information about Karel ten Haaf.
Poetry volumes:
Zonder piemel, Philip Elchers, Groningen, 1992
Zie de man, Groupie-tour, Groningen, 1993
Ik vind het leven niet veel aan, Rottend Staal,
Groningen, 1995
Veilig vrijen. Verzamelde gedichten 1988-1995,
Rottend Staal, Groningen, 1996
De moderne vrouw en haar kont, Rottend Staal, Groningen,
1998 (recensie)
Het einde, Triona Pers, Groningen, 2000
Verkeerde benen, RSP-Leuterboek, Groningen, 2003
Zat gezien, zat meegemaakt (stories), Blauwdruk,
Groningen, 1996
Steppen zonder autoped (novel), Passage, Groningen,
Geen zomer meer (novel), Passage, Groningen, juni
... en morgen de hele wereld? Het Aktiefront Nationale
Socialisten (documentaire), FOK, Amsterdam, 1992
In de geest van Oktober. Het verhaal van Peter Drenth
(biography), Passage, Groningen, 1999