Wim Brands 

      latest update 3rd December, 2003 (click for Dutch version)

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biography poem: contact
bibliography Mr Thomas, 2003  


Wim Brands was born in picturesque Brummen, on 29th March 1959. He is a poet and journalist, working for the VPRO broadcasting corporation since 1987. In the programme De Avonden he can regularly be heard as interviewer. He made his debut at the age of 19 in K.L. Poll's Hollands Maandblad. His poems have also appeared in e.g. 'Tirade', 'De Tweede Ronde' en 'Bunker Hill'.

Together with painter Toine Moerbeek he made a visual poem – In de metro (On the underground) – that was admiringly described by Guus Middag, writer of essays on poetry, as the first comic strip poetry clip. He is currently very quietly at work on his next volume of poetry, which will be, as all that went before, published with Podium.

Wim Brands
© Bart FM Droog, 2002

Please browse www.google.com for more information about Wim Brands.
And read (if you read Dutch, that is) his VPRO-weblog: http://www.vpro.nl/avondlog

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Inslag, Joost Nijsen, Amsterdam, 1985
Koningen, de gehavende, Kwadraat, Utrecht, 1990
Hoger dan de dakgoot, L.J. Veen, Amsterdam, 1993
Zwemmen in de nacht, L.J. Veen, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, 1995
In de metro, L.J. Veen, Amsterdam, 1997
De schoenen van de buurman (selectie uit eerder gepubliceerd werk en nieuw werk), Podium, Amsterdam, 1999

Anthologies with poems of Wim Brands

Ieder hangt aan zijn gevallen toren, samenstelling Rogi Wieg, Dedalus/Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Antwerpen/Amsterdam, 1988
Spiegel van de moderne Nederlandse poëzie, 6e editie, samenstelling Hans Warren, Meulenhoff/Kritak, Amsterdam/Leuven, 1992
Waarheen ik ga weet ik niet, samenstelling Brahan Narama, Kwadraat, Utrecht, 1993
Hand in hand in hand, samenstelling Ernst van Altena, Lannoo, Tielt, 1995
De Nederlandse poëzie van de 19de en 20ste eeuw, samenstelling Gerrit Komrij, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, 1996 (10de herziene druk)
Daar waar ik leefde, samenstelling Henk van Zuiden, Kwadraat, Utrecht, 1998
Gedichten 1999, samenstelling Hubert van Herreweghen en Willy Spillebeen, Davidsfonds/Literair, Leuven, 1999
Geen dag zonder liefde, samenstelling Eddy van Vliet, De Bezige Bij/Poëziecentrum, Amsterdam/Gent, 2001 (2de, herziene druk), 2001 - Wim Brands staat hierin als 'Wim Brabands' vermeld

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Mr Thomas does not like
flashing lights.

Light comes mostly from above
not from below.

Mr Thomas needs to be well-lit.

You must have a watch, pocket
or wrist: the truck is his only friend.

Mr Thomas should not be referred
to as 'Dave' or touched in a familiar way.

Introduce him, encourage conversation.
He prefers ordinary people.

Do not let Mr Thomas stand around as a lemon.

© Wim Brands, 2003

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Wim Brands: W.Brands@vpro.nl

Uitgeverij Podium
Singel 450
1017 AV  Amsterdam
tel:  +31-(0)20-421.38.30
fax: +31-(0)20-421.37.76

Dutch Literary Productions and Translations Foundation
Mr Bas Pauw: b.pauw@nlpvf.nl
Singel 464
1017 AW  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 (0)20.620.62.61
fax: +31 (0)20.620.71.79

This page is part of the daily poetry newspaper: Rottend Staal Online

© translation Willem Groenewegen / Rottend Staal Online 2003. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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